Our team

Composed of elements with solid skills and years of experience in consulting, analysis, electricity, and renewable energy !

As natives of the region, we have an in-depth knowledge of local solar energy needs. This allows us to offer personalized and relevant advice.

An ecological choice

The rapid expansion of our region is leading to an increase in the number of new buildings which can have a negative impact on the environment. However, by choosing e-Léman Energies for their photovoltaic projects, our clients can actively contribute to the preservation of the local environment.

Indeed, our company is proud to offer sustainable and ecological solutions based on solar energy. Moreover, we are committed to the association "cœur de forêt" to fight against deforestation at the national level.

Cœur de Forêt est une association de préservation des forêts en France et à l’international, qui agit depuis 2005 sur les causes de la déforestation et de la dégradation des forêts.


Forêt préservation écologique

Visit our Show Room !

By visiting our showroom at Les Arcades d'Ornex, our customers can discover how our photovoltaic equipment can help reduce their environmental impact while producing clean and affordable energy.

Forêt préservation écologique

An innovative company

In conclusion e-Léman Energies is an innovative and dynamic company that offers a complete solution for people wishing to adopt solar energy. Thanks to its commitment to the preservation of the planet and its quality of service, it is positioned as a quality choice for consumers interested in renewable energy.