Legal Notice

Website editor: The company e-Léman Energies SAS, registered with the RCS under the number 948 896 444, whose head office is located at 65 rue des Bois 01210 Ornex.

Director of the publication: e-Léman Energies SAS

Site host: Infomaniak

Terms of use: The use of this site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below.

Content protection: The content of the site, including texts, images, logos, etc. is protected by French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, in part or in full, by any process and on any medium whatsoever, without prior written authorization from e-Léman Energies SAS is strictly prohibited.

Personal data: In accordance with the French law "Informatique et Libertés" n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, of correction and suppression of the data which concern you. You can exercise this right by contacting us at the following address :

Responsibility : e-Léman Energies SAS cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing the site, and resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated, or from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.

Hypertext links : The hypertext links set up within the framework of the website towards other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of the company e-Léman Energies SAS.

These legal notices are given for information only and may be subject to change. It is recommended to check their content regularly.

Here are the general conditions of sale for the company e-Léman Energies SAS :

Purpose: The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to define the conditions under which the company e-Léman Energies SAS, located at Les Arcades d'Ornex, offers the supply and installation of solar photovoltaic products, solar pergola, solar shade, solar carport and accessories related to the field of solar energy, as well as the terms of order and payment applicable to these products and services.

Scope: These conditions apply to all sales concluded between the company e-Léman Energies SAS and its customers, whether in a physical store or on the website

Products and services: The products and services offered by the company e-Léman Energies SAS are those listed on the website, within the limits of available stocks. The company reserves the right to modify at any time the range of products and services offered.

Orders : Orders can be placed online on the website or in the physical store at Les Arcades d'Ornex. The company e-Léman Energies SAS reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute.

Prices : The prices of the products and services are those in force at the time of the order and are expressed in euros. They take into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. e-Léman Energies SAS reserves the right to modify its prices at any time.

Payment : Payment can be made online by credit card or via a PayPal account, or in the Arcades d'Ornex store by cash, check or credit card.

Delivery: The delivery of products and services will be made to the address indicated by the customer when ordering. e-Léman Energies SAS undertakes to make its best efforts to deliver the products within the deadlines indicated at the time of ordering. However, these deadlines are given as an indication and a delay cannot give rise to any cancellation of the order, to any reduction in price or to any payment of damages.

Guarantees : e-Léman Energies SAS guarantees the conformity of the products and services delivered to the customer. Any defective product or service can be exchanged or reimbursed under the conditions provided for by the legal guarantee.

Responsibility : e-Léman Energies SAS cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the customer, by a third party or by events beyond its control.

Protection of personal data: The information communicated by the customer at the time of the order is the subject of a data-processing treatment intended for the management of the order and the commercial prospection. In accordance with the Data-processing law and Freedoms of January 6, 1978, the customer has a right of access, of modification and suppression of these data.

Settlement of disputes: Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of sale will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

Applicable law: The present general conditions of sale are subject to French law.

These terms and conditions apply to all sales concluded by e-Léman Energies SAS with its customers. In case of modification of the general sales conditions, the applicable conditions will be those in force at the date of the order.